If you’re an on-premise customer that has decided to upgrade to CRM 2015 (perhaps thanks to the new features), you have a couple of options available to you when it comes to how to get there. This post will help you determine which Dynamics CRM upgrade path makes the most sense for your organization.
To Upgrade to CRM 2015 or Re-Implement?
Picking your CRM 2015 upgrade path is a subjective decision that your organization should make with input from IT and the business. Take your current position into consideration when selecting your path in addition to factors discussed below.
In an upgrade, you retain your current system customizations, configurations, system settings, security model, data model, and data.
There are 3 different ways to upgrade:
1. In-Place Upgrade – A great option if your existing hardware is compatible with the latest version, CRM 2015.
2. Database Upgrade During Install
3. Import – Most expensive
If you decide to re-implement, you will be following a path similar to when you first implemented CRM. You must re-customize, re-configure, and re-set everything.
You must also migrate data from your legacy CRM. If your data model has changed, data migration may include data transformation.
Re-implementations typically make more sense in cases where your current CRM is an early version that is not upgrade compatible. Or if your current CRM is not well used, does not augment the business, has poor data quality, or requires major re-engineering.
Go Online
While not an upgrade path in itself, this is still an important option to consider when thinking about making the move to CRM 2015. The case for online is especially compelling if you have a mobile workforce or are interested in outsourcing management of your infrastructure.
Making the switch between CRM on-premise and CRM online requires using a 3rd party tool like Scribe to carry across all your data.
Refer to this thread for a discussion of what to consider when moving from CRM on-premise to online.
Next: A Checklist for Your Upgrade to CRM 2015
After getting the buy-in that is necessary to proceed with your upgrade to CRM 2015, you’ll need to develop a solid plan to get there. Refer to this CRM 2015 upgrade checklist for further guidance.